Approaching change with a positive mindset and a focus on personal wellness will go along way towards achieving your goals.  Being resilient and flexible are important skills to practice and be able to demonstrate to recruiters.  We have lots of articles to prove it so dive in!


Throughout this pandemic, family, media, professors and others applaud students, especially seniors, for being resilient.  But what does that really mean?  How can you take care of yourself while becoming even more resilient?  Hopefully these resources can help you to take care of you as you navigate change.

TalkSpace:  How college students can prioritize mental health during the COVID-19 outbreak

TedTalk:  Resilience, The Up Side of Down

Washington Post:  A psychologist’s science-based tips for emotional resilience during the coronavirus crisis

ThrivingCampus is an online directory that allows Pitt students to access a list of off-campus, licensed mental health clinicians, many of whom specialize in working with students. The website includes various guides and resources that assist students through the process of securing off-campus outpatient care.

Counseling Center Resources Page includes links to valuable resources including Crisis Support, LGBTQIA+ Resources, Mental Health Screening Tools, Substance Use Resources, Apps and more.


Be Fit Pitt is a platform for engagement in physical activity opportunities across the activity spectrum which includes programming to reduce sedentary time by incorporating light activity breaks into your day.  There’s an activity out there for everyone and the Be Fir Pitt mission is to help you find it.

Be Fit Pitt YouTube Channel

The Conversation:  Finding Ways to Move your Body while Social Distancing